Meanwhile, on a Tuesday at 3:00pm: Paul: Hey James, we have an interview scheduled but John is sick and we have nobody to do it as everyone’s busy with this production issue. Would you mind going to interview this candidate for our team? Me: Hmm… I’m a bit busy but yeah sure. When is the interview? Paul: Err… yeah about that… she’s here already, waiting in room 2.08 I hurried towards the interview room with the CV in my hand, speed-reading it while trying not to trip on the stairs. When I got there, we both introduced ourselves and spoke for a while about the bad weather recently. I proceeded to talk a bit about what we do in the company, apart from sitting on bean bags (yeah I know, millennials right?) and then asked her if she could talk a little about her experience since I hadn’t managed to read her CV. I then tried to think of a coding puzzle I could ask her. See, we’ve been having some problems with coding interviews. We all have a couple of coding problems and interview problems we like to ask. The problem is that recruiters have picked up on this and we think they are preparing candidates and giving them the solutions. So we’ve all been thinking very hard about new problems. Christmas is close and our dev team decided to do a secret santa gift exchange. This is where you write everyone’s name on pieces of papers, place them in a bag and everyone draws out one name. Then you’re supposed to buy a small gift for that person. I really have no idea what I’m buying… Was considering the xkcd book, but not sure if it will arrive on time... So I thought, hmm… what if we could write a function that given a list of names would output a random pairing? I discussed the idea with the candidate and together we came up with the problem definition and a function signature. Problem: Write a function (in whatever language you want) that accepts an array of at least size 2 containing unique strings. The functions needs to output a random mapping (giver to taker) using the elements in the input such that:
Go ahead and challenge yourself to try to solve it! Then come back and read the solution. Solution: The problem can be broken down into two main areas. There is a randomization part and a pairing part (deciding who’s paired with who, so they only buy and receive a gift once). Let’s start from the easy part which is the pairing. We are 7 people in our team. One way we can decide Santa’s pairing is to walk into a room with a round table and seven chairs and make everyone sit down. Then we can have a rule that says you need to buy a gift for the person on your right. That way everyone buys and receives one gift. Except Robert that is… he has decided to not to take part. He’s now known as stingy Rob. Yes Rob, if you’re reading this, now you know. Anyway, you get the idea. In tech speak we would just need an array of names and pair each entry to the next one. Then the last element in the array is paired to the first one. This can be done functionally in Scala quite easily by zipping a list with its tail plus head: The other part is to randomize the names in the array before the pairing. This is equivalent to assigning random seats to our team on the round table. If only there was an easy algorithm that shuffles the contents of an array for us... Oh - hang on a second what about the Fisher-Yates shuffle? This algorithm, also known as the Knuth shuffle, works by putting all the array entries in a “bag”. Then for each element position in the array it removes a random item from the bag and places it in that array position. It does this “bag selection” by randomly picking a position to swap to within the array. Here’s the algorithm in pseudocode: Thankfully in Scala there is already an implementation for this so we don’t need to implement it. Here is the full implementation. I’m always impressed by how expressive functional programming is. In a couple of lines of code we have implemented the entire thing! Oh yeah you’re probably wondering about the interview. She was very good and solved the problem much faster than I would have! Unfortunately, she won’t be joining my team but a different one. I’m stuck with stingy Rob.
AuthorJames Cutajar is a software developer, with interests in high performance computing, algorithms design and distributed data structures. Archives
April 2020